Situated at the top end of Collins Street in Melbourne, Collins Place is filled with high end couture, beautiful restaurants and the five star Sofitel Hotel. Built in the 1970’s, the silicone gutter system in the unique “space frame” roof structure has never been replaced. With the system beginning to fail and leak, Collins Place required a roof refurbishment. Boss were contracted to produce a new gutter system which included a series of complex silicone mouldings. Silicone was the material of choice in this project due to its longevity. Boss were pleased to offer our technical skills and expertise in this multi-million dollar project, delivering on time and in full.
Make an EnquiryCollins Place Gutter System

Key Facts
Built in the 1970’s, the silicone gutter system in the unique “space frame” roof structure has never been replaced.
Metres Run
Boss Polymer were contracted to produce a new gutter system which included a series of complex silicone mouldings.
Boss Polymer was awarded the task of manufacturing a complete gutter system for Melbourne’s iconic Collins Place building.
Delivering on time and in full, Boss Polymer were pleased to offer our technical skills and expertise in this multi-million dollar project.

Melbourne’s Iconic Collins Place Building
Boss Polymer was awarded the task of manufacturing a complete gutter system for Melbourne’s iconic Collins Place building. Collins Place plays host to a wide range of amenities, including office space, a shopping mall and Melbourne’s Sofitel Hotel. Built in the 1970’s, Collins Place features many architectural delights, including a breathtaking “space frame” roofing structure.
Inspired by the Space Race, the structure consists of a series of glass panels joined by interconnecting geometrical metal rods. This vast, glass awning fills the space with natural light and provides a spectacular point of interest for visitors.

Complete Gutter System
Between each panel, runs a series of silicone rubber extrusions and mouldings, responsible for catching and transporting rainwater away from the roof. The system, which was first installed in the mid to late 70’s, has never been replaced. Battered by Melbourne’s extreme weather, the system has recently began to fail.
AMP Capital, the owner of Collins Place, commissioned BG&E to source a manufacturer to replace the old silicone gutter system. After extensive research, BG&E selected three organisations to quote the job, including Boss Polymer Technologies and two European Rubber Manufacturers.
Boss Polymer’s past experience working with BG&E, coupled with a competitive price, high grade materials, local knowledge and technical expertise resulted in them winning the tender.

Manufacture and Installation
The contract involved manufacturing approximately 13,000 metres of extruded product and 5,460 moulded parts. These products were produced using high quality non-filled silicone, which was designed to meet particular physical characteristics.
The installation process was conducted by Australian construction services company Minesco. Completed over three stages, the installation process began with the Sofitel Hotel, followed by the Great Space and concluded in the main Foyer.
The team at Boss would like to thank BG&E for this opportunity and look forward to working with them again in the future.